G-Code Simulation

graph LR;
    CAD --> id1[/3D-Part/]
    id1[/3D-Part/] --> CAM
    CAM --> id2[/NC-Code/]
    id2 --> id3[NC-Code Simulation]:::someclass
    id3 --> CNC-Machine
    CNC-Machine --> id4([Part])
    classDef someclass fill:#004f19

The main function of software for NC code simulation is to verify the NC programs used to control CNC machines in a virtual environment before they are actually executed on the machine. Simulating the NC code in a virtual environment allows users to detect potential collision and error sources before they cause physical damage to the machine or the workpiece.

In traditional CAM simulation, only the tool paths calculated by the machining algorithms are simulated. Since the post-processor generates the final NC code, there is a potential source of error here. The post-processor can make changes and mathematical operations on the NC code that are not represented in the CAM simulation or detected by the user. Therefore, it makes sense to verify the end product created in the CAM system, the NC code, through a simulation that exclusively focuses on the generated NC code.

Here is the translated mermaid diagram:

graph LR;
    subgraph CAM
    direction TB
    Geometry Information --> Algorithm
    Operation Settings --> Algorithm
    Tool Information --> Algorithm
    Algorithm --> Tool Path
    Tool Path --> Simulation:::someclass
    Tool Path --> Post Processor
    Post Processor --> id1[/NC Code/]

    classDef someclass fill:#5e0000

As the above diagram attempts to illustrate, the generated NC code is not coherent with the simulation due to the post-processor.

Most products have algorithms for collision detection, enabling the identification and avoidance of collisions between tools, workpieces, fixtures, or machine components. They also offer features for tool path analysis and optimization, material removal verification, and machining time evaluation.

By using NC code simulation, companies can save time and costs by detecting and correcting potential errors and collisions in the virtual environment. This minimizes scrap, machine downtime, and rework costs.

Here is an example of how NC code simulation can be integrated into the process:

flowchart LR

    subgraph CAM
    direction TB
    A[CAM-Programm] --> id1[/Toolpath/]
    id1[/Toolpath/] --> id2[Postprozessor]

    CAM --> id3[/NC-Code/]
    id3 --> id4[NC-Code Simulation]
    id4 --> id31{Simulation OK?}
    id31 -->|Ja| C[CNC-Maschine]
    id31 -->|Nein| CAM

NC code simulation products are absolute niche products. This is also the reason why there are relatively few of them compared to CAD and CAM manufacturers.


Product Web Manufacturer
CAMplete https://www.autodesk.com/products/camplete/overview Autodesk
Eureka https://www.roboris.it Roboris
NC2Check http://www.nc2check.de CAMWERK
NCSIMUL https://www.ncsimul.com/ Hexagon
Predator Virtual CNC https://www.predator-software.com/Predator_Virtual_CNC_Software.htm Predator Software Inc.
Vericut https://cgtech.com CGTech